Town of Clifton Park
Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan
Click through the photos above to see examples of farmland in Clifton Park!
About the Project
Welcome to the Town of Clifton Park Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan project website!
The Town of Clifton Park has undertaken an effort to conduct a public planning process and develop a town agricultural farmland protection and enhancement plan. The purpose of this project is to create a comprehensive Townwide Farmland Protection Plan that outlines a vision for the long-term economic viability of agriculture and protection of valuable farmland resources in Clifton Park.
This project is being led by the Town of Clifton Park and guided by a Steering Committee. The planning process will be facilitated by Town staff with technical assistance from a consultant team led by Community Planning and Environmental Associates. and supported by E.M Pemrick & Company, Upstate GIS and MJ Engineering & Land Surveying.
This project is funded, in part, through a Municipal Farmland Protection Plan Grant from New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets.
Visit this page to stay up to date on the latest information and public engagement activities. Use the links at the top of the page to find out more information about the project, upcoming engagement opportunities, and to share your input.
Share your ideas in the comment box or provide your email to get updates on upcoming public engagement opportunities!
Public comments received will be compiled and shared with the project team.

© Town of Clifton Park
Website Created by:
MJ Engineering and Land Surveying P.C.